Данная страница является адаптированным переводом "Event diagrams" https://www.togaf-modeling.org Дата проверки актуальности:
Диаграммы событий
Also called "process maps".
The purpose of the event diagram is to depict the relationship between events and process. Certain events, such as the arrival of certain information (for example, a customer submits a sales order) or a certain point in time (for example, end of fiscal quarter) cause work and certain actions need to be undertaken within the business. These are often referred to as business events or simply events, and are considered as triggers for a process. It is important to note that the event has to trigger a process and generate a business response or result.
Event diagrams provide an overview of processes, which helps in their mapping. Event diagrams present a general view of processes, trigger events, sent events, participating roles or organization units, as well as received or sent products. At this macroscopic level, there is no sequence between processes, even if we are able to see that the products sent by a process can be re-used by another process.